
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Black Bean & Orange Salad

At first glance this combination of black beans and oranges might seem a little strange. But the taste could not be farther from it! Spoon this onto Rotisserie Chicken Tacos and it's a match made in heaven! And it couldn't be easier to make with only 6 ingredients...

Black Bean Salad
{Recipe adapted from my friend Sharon}

1 can (15 oz.) black beans, drained and rinsed
1/4-1/3 red onion, thinly sliced
Juice of 1 lime
1 large orange, segmented and cut into small pieces
2 T olive oil
Chopped cilantro, to taste
Sprinkling of kosher salt

Toss ingredients together. Taste and adjust accordingly. Best to let marinate about an hour before serving. Use on top of Rotisserie Chicken Tacos or any other chicken or pork tacos you love.

And if you've never segmented an orange here are a few photos that show the process, it couldn't be easier:
First cut off both ends...
Then use a knife to carefully cut down the orange, trying only to the remove the pith (bitter white part) and not much fruit.
Keep making your way all around the orange and then clean-up where necessary.
Next, use knife to slice down on the inside of either natural segment divider.
Once cut, each orange segment should just slide right out.
This is also a nice and deceivingly fancy way way to add fresh oranges to fruit salad.

1 comment:

  1. How come you won't show us your hands or fingers in your demo pictures?
