
Monday, January 30, 2012

Grilled Cheese & Guacamole Sandwich

I know I'm pretty much out of commission with any sort of regular posting, I hope to improve. But it's still dark come dinner time and my pictures that time of day are in a word: unappetizing. Plus I'm focusing on more healthy eating with far less meat at the moment and trying to find my way in that recipe world is proving somewhat challenging as far as things I'm excited to share. It's all pretty good, just not amazing-you know?!
Oh my lands was this tasty. Such a revelation. I spent a good portion of my life thinking I didn't like avocados and then bam! one day that changed and now I'm pretty much out of control avocado all the time. Naturally not liking avocados meant I also didn't like guacamole. I'm so happy to live in the world with the stuff now. And then you take that wonderful and divine guacamole (personally the recipe for that alone is the best I've tried to date) and you pair it with with melted sharp (has to be sharp!) cheddar and toasty sourdough and you see skies of blue and all that jazz. This was simple, it was healthy (yes I think cheese and bread are healthy-wholesome may be a better word?), it was quick, and aside from my husband and I inhaling it both my children ate it and asked for more. I think that's saying something. I mean how many children ask for avocados? Make them this sandwich and they definitely will. We paired it with this soup. Oh yum-perfection!

Grilled Cheese & Guacamole Sandwich

2 ripe avocados
1/2 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 small jalapeno, seeded and finely minced
2 T cilantro leaves, finely chopped
1 T fresh lime juice
1/2 t kosher salt
Fresh grated black pepper
1 roma tomato, chopped

Sliced sharp cheddar cheese
Sliced sourdough bread
Softened butter, for buttering bread

To make the guacamole: Cut avocados in half. Remove pit. Scoop out avocado and place in bowl. Use a fork to mash. Add onion, garlic, jalapeno, cilantro, lime juice, salt and pepper. Stir until well combined. Taste and adjust. Add in diced tomatoes and stir. (Tip: I did all of the above in my food processor.)

Heat pan or griddle to medium heat. Spread one side of one slice of bread evenly with butter. Place butter side down in heated pan. Place a single layer of cheese on top and then spread a generous spoonful of guacamole over that. Add another layer of cheese and top with another slice of bread. Butter that side that's facing up. Toast until golden, flip over and do the same. When cheese is melter and bread is toasty, remove and continue process until desired number of sandwiches has been made. Serve warm.


  1. Your commentary always cracks me up. And this recipe looks so yummy! I, too, used to hate avocadoes, and now I'm an addict. We've even tried avocado milkshakes (a la Brazil), but that's the only time they've fallen short for us. But for any sandwich, yes!

  2. Hi Emily, I'm new to your blog. I made this tonight and I thought it was yummy. I used the only sourdough bread that the store had and it made for some very small slices (height-wise), but I just made an extra one. I love avocados. We live near a restaurant (Chiloso) that has the yummiest grilled avocados. It's my favorite thing to get. I'm excited to try some of your other recipes!

  3. Excited to try this with my 4 year old son for lunch today! Just have to make it Gluten Free for myself for my 8 month old daughter that is Bfed. Thanks for the idea!
