
Monday, December 12, 2011

Thai Chicken Pizza

Another out of the ordinary pizza combo. Thai food is so amazingly delicious and as it turns out thai flavors on a pizza are pretty darn good too. This was delightfully different. My son who strangely doesn't like pizza (tell me-what boy doesn't like pizza?!) rolled his eyes when we sat down to this meal. But we have a must-taste rule at our dinner table and before I knew it he was chowing down and going back for seconds and thirds and exclaiming "this is so good Mom!". Take THAT non-pizza lover! I found myself sneaking another piece after the kids went to bed-but hey, at least it wasn't my usual chocolate. A word to the wise-this can be a bit spicy, but just skip or tone down the red pepper flakes and you should be good. We liked ours with the heat though.

Thai Chicken Pizza
{Recipe from Tasty Kitchen Blog}

1 batch of favorite pizza dough, thinner crust is best in this case
Cornmeal for sprinkling pizza stone/pan
1/4-1/2 cup thai sweet red chili sauce (found mine in specialty asian section store)
1 whole shallot, thinly sliced
1/2 whole zucchini, thinly sliced
1 t or less red chili flakes
1 cup cooked shredded chicken (I simmered mine in chicken broth with a dash of curry powder)
2/3 cup shredded mozzarella (grating your own is always better for the melting factor)
A small handful of finely chopped peanuts
2 T fresh cilantro
2 T fresh basil (thai or otherwise)

Preheat your oven to 500 and roll or shape/stretch dough until 1/4 inch thick. Place dough on pizza stone, pan, or cookie sheet that has been lightly sprinkled with corn meal. (I usually spray first with cooking spray). Spread a thin layer of sweet chili sauce over pizza dough. Sprinkle with red pepper flakes. Layer on shallots, zucchini, and chicken. Spread shredded mozzarella evenly over entire pizza. Place in oven and bake for 12-15 minutes until cheese is golden and crust is lightly golden. (Keep a good eye on it, as ovens may vary). Remove from oven and sprinkle with chopped peanuts, cilantro, and basil. Slice and serve.

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