
Friday, September 23, 2011

Candied Chicken

This is a delicious chicken recipe. I realize that the word "candy" linked with a main dish might seem strange, but oh no-no strangeness here. Just wonderful sweet chicken-y goodness. Pair it with a vegetable and bread product and you've a got a meal to remember. Quite the crowd pleaser too.

Candied Chicken
{We aren't big fans of whole chicken breasts in our house, so we opt to cut each breast into at least 2 if not 3 pieces. It cooks faster, stretches farther, allows for higher sauce to meat ratio, and helps with portion control. I recommend it!}

4-6 chicken breasts, cut in half or thirds
Salt/pepper or seasoning salt or garlic salt
Flour for dusting
Oil/butter for browning
Sauce as follows:
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
1/4 cup yellow mustard
1/2 cup ketchup
1 T worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup water

Season chicken pieces, dust lightly with flour on both sides, and brown in skillet. Not cooking through, just browning all sides. Place browned chicken in greased oven-friendly baking dish. Mix sauce ingredients together and pour over chicken. Cover tightly with foil and bake at 375 for up to 2 hours. I recommend cooking with foil on for the first hour and then removing foil, so that sauce can reduce, thicken, and thoroughly coat the chicken for the last hour.


  1. We're trying that this Friday, Emily. Do you know if worcestershire sauce had an expire date? Or even how long it is good for?

  2. Yum! This is on the menu for this week. And I'm with you in cutting chicken breasts smaller. I just don't like the looks of a whole one on a plate.
