
Friday, August 19, 2011

Back to School...Snacks

This final Back to School food post is all about those ever elusive snack ideas. Our kids are asked to bring a snack in addition to their lunch each day, not to mention they're always hungry right after school. We'll see if I can occasionally provide something a little more homemade for the sake of nutrition and these might just be some good options:

At School Snacks...

Homemade Granola Bars: We are granola bar fans in our house and for as much as we eat and buy them, I'm sorry to say I've never tried my hand at actually making them. Well this is the year! Chewy Granola Bars & Coconut Granola Bars are 2 options I plan to try.

Ham and Cheese Roll-Ups: As I've already mentioned numerous times, the kids aren't big sandwich fans. But if you take the bread out of the equation they've always really liked these. Although they are a good stand-in for lunch, I think they're an equally easy snack to pack along with lunch. Use your favorite thin-sliced lunch meat and favorite hard cheese (colby-jack, monterey jack, cheddar). Slice cheese into 3 inch or so long "sticks" and wrap lunch meat around each stick.

Sour Cream Fruit Dip: Fruit is an easy no-fuss at school snack and it's made all the better by sending along a little container of this dip. Cherries, strawberries, and sliced apples would all be good options for the fruit.

Jam Pockets, Etc.: I like that these are self-contained equaling low mess and that there are different flavor combos suggested both sweet and savory depending on your mood and kids likes.

Peanut Butter Power Balls: These are interesting and definitely something the kids could help make.

1 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup non-fat dry milk powder or soy protein powder
1/2 cup raisins or mini-chocolate chips
1/4 cup honey
Graham cracker crumbs

Mix all ingredients expect the graham cracker crumbs in a large bowl. Shape mixture into 1-inch balls. Roll in crumbs and refrigerate (or freeze; they will thaw by snack time)

After School Snacks...

Since we all know we're just about to make and eat dinner, an after school snack should be quick to make with minimal help from Mom and not a meal in and of itself. I think these might fit the bill.

Creamy Cheese Cinnamon Toast: These could easily be a great breakfast option too and I like that they take the idea of cinnamon toast a bit further with the addition of cream cheese.

Chocolate Banana Quesadillas: Umm, yes please! and use nutella instead of chocolate chips and you've got snack-time bliss, mom included!

Mini Tortilla Cheese Pizzas: Although I've already admitted my kids aren't pizza fans, they are mexican food fans so we'll see how these go over. And what a great at home lunch option for days off school or weekends.

And 3 drink/smoothie options:

The Purple Cow: My memories of this drink are vivid! When I was little (1st grade, kindergarten, and younger) I went to a lovely daycare and this drink was occasionally served during snack time and I kid you not it's the only thing I remember about the food there. It must have made quite an impression if I'm still remembering it over 25 years later! I will most definitely be making this for my kids and if we're feeling extra naughty we might just throw some vanilla ice cream in there!

Kiwi Grape Smoothie

Cherry Chocolate Smoothies:

Combine 1 cup low-fat milk, 1/2 cup vanilla low-fat yogurt, 1/2 cup frozen or fresh pitted cherries, and 2 tablespoons dark chocolate chips in a blender or food processor and mix until smooth.

And just a few extra no-explanation needed ideas that are possibly a bit out of the ordinary:

Mini muffins, mini bagels with cream cheese, chips and salsa, 100 calorie microwave popcorn, hard-boiled egg, carrot sticks & hummus, sugar snap peas & ranch

Happy Snacking!

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