
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Naan {Indian Flat Bread}

Mmmm, flatbread! I love all bread products and a good flatbread is no exception. Naan is a traditional Indian flatbread and goes great with curries. It's soft, moist, chewy and tastes terrific with some garlic butter or just plain butter brushed on top while it's warm. It almost ends up being the highlight of the meal. As far as yeast breads go, if you don't feel comfortable in that realm, this is a great place to start or try again. It's no fail and delicious.

Naan {Indian Flatbread}
{slightly adapted recipe from Mels Kitchen Cafe}

3+ cups flour
1 t salt
1/2 tsp active dry yeast
1 1/2 cups milk
1 t sugar
melted butter mixed with pressed garlic for brushing warm breads

Microwave milk until very warm, not boiling, but more than just warm. Stir in sugar and yeast, let sit for 4-5 minutes until foamy. Pour yeast mixture into mixer bowl and add 2 cups flour and salt. Mix for 2 minutes. Switch to dough hook and add remaining cup + flour a little at a time. Once dough comes together and pulls away from sides of bowl, but is still the tiniest bit tacky and very soft it's ready. Let knead in mixer for 5 minutes. Spray a separate bowl with cooking spray or drizzle with a little oil and add dough ball to bowl. Be sure all sides of dough are covered with oil. Place plastic wrap over bowl and let rise for 2 hours. The dough will not puff up as much as other yeast doughs, due to the small amount of yeast. But is should be noticeably larger.

Turn out onto greased surface and divide dough into 12 equal pieces, shape into balls. Let dough pieces rest for 30 minutes covered with plastic wrap. During 30 minutes place pizza stone or cookie sheet in oven and turn onto 450 degrees. After 30 minutes are up, roll each dough ball into a 6 inch round with a rolling pin. Keep covered once they're rolled out to prevent drying. One by one, place 3-4 rounds on the hot pizza stone or cookie sheet and bake for 2-3 minutes per side. Peek under bottom and when it's getting brown spots it's time to flip. Once both sides are brown-spotted, remove from oven and brush with melted garlic butter or plain butter. Stack on top of each other, cover with a dish towl, and continue to cook remaining dough rounds.

Serve warm and use for scooping up rice and curry. Coconut Curry Chicken is a great option!

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