
Friday, May 27, 2011

Spring Greens with Avocado, Mandarin Oranges, and Candied Almonds {my go-to dinner salad}

So say you're having people over for dinner and you just can't bear the thought of adding a fancy, involved, homemade salad to your to-do list but you still want something beyond the typical pre-mixed salad with ranch...I find myself feeling that way often and when I do this salad is what I throw together. It uses a store-bought dressing but the other ingredients, in particular the candied almonds, give it that little something extra. It's fresh, it's light, and it goes with a whole slew of menus whether it be grilled meat, lighter pasta dishes, or your typical sunday dinner fare.

Spring Greens with Avocado, Mandarin Oranges, and Candied Almonds

1 carton (bag) Mixed Baby Greens
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced
1 can mandarin oranges, drained
1 good size avocado, chunked
1/2 cup (little bag) sliced or slivered almonds
2 T+ sugar
Brianna's Blush Wine Vinaigrette

For Candied Almonds:
Heat small non-stick pan over medium-high heat. Add almonds and sprinkle with 2 T sugar. Periodically stir. When sugar begins to melt, stir continually and be careful not to burn. (I don't recommend leaving this on it's own, as it can go from fine to burnt in the blink of an eye!) Remove coated and browned almonds onto a plate. Spread them out and let them cool. ( feel free to speed this step by putting almonds in the fridge or freezer) Once cooled break any large chunks apart.

For salad:
In large bowl add mixed greens, sliced red onions, drained mandarin oranges, avocado chunks, and cooled candied almonds. Just before serving, drizzle a small amount of dressing over all and toss, taste as you go adding small amounts of dressing if needed. Don't overdress, a little goes a long way. I find I have to restrain myself and stop even when I think it's not enough--chances are it will be perfect. Soggy lettuce is gross! Serve immediately.

Note: Dressed salads don't keep. If you think you may not eat it all and want to save some for later, serve dressing on the side.

1 comment:

  1. Em, can I come to your house for dinner....every day? This blog makes me hungry! Great food and photos, Chef Em!
